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{Friday, January 23}

the first star has burned out.

welcome to the second star.
posted by from shannon at 5:24 PM

{Monday, December 29}

dear lindy and janelle,

click here to discover your christmas present.
posted by from shannon at 9:14 PM

{Tuesday, August 5}

i get to see starlight express (!) in september. in orlando. are you listening to me? do you hear what i'm saying? it's a MUSICAL. on ROLLER SKATES.

oh god, i can't breathe. the only combination that could possibly be better would be the sex and the circus.
posted by from shannon at 6:52 AM

{Thursday, July 31}

despite my rigorous diet of pasta, fresh bread and mozzarella di buffalo, i have come to the decision that i have not lost very much weight. a couple of pounds, perhaps - but that's hardly enough reward for my persistence in maintaining such an ascetic lifestlye. have decided to renew with a vengeance fitness efforts for the last two weeks.

in other news: male intern #2 and i are still going at it. last week he made a point to tell me that he didn't like my green skirt, labeling it too "minty". my retort: at least i'm not wearing pleated pants, dockers boy. we reached another low point yesterday when he told me that "take back the night" is offensive to him. poor #2. i feel so stupid having thought that those girls, what with their rapes and their sexual abuse, were the true victims.

final thought of the lunch break: is anyone else stunned by the fact that i don't get a desk in florida? michael eisner has enough money to throw vip ducks box seats at the likes of mike meyers and he can't provide his own live-in employees with a writing surface?
posted by from shannon at 4:50 AM

{Tuesday, July 29}

i think i just ate an ant.
posted by from shannon at 10:03 AM
also, if you haven't been since the first mention of the photo album, there are some pictures of procida and roma.
posted by from shannon at 2:03 AM
Am working in Visa for a week instead of usual post in American Citizen Services. This means I am working with international citizens – mostly Italians – who want to go the U.S., instead of the usual batch of Americans. A major cultural difference I have noticed: with American passports, we are very strict on the photographs. We are borderline obsessive on the purity of the white background and the plainness of dress that the applicant must maintain (i.e. no sunglasses, strange hair, etc.) However, Italian passports are a totally different matter: submitted on a rainbow of backdrops, with MUCH gold jewelry and 1000-watt smiles. It’s like ours are done by prison photographers and the Italians’ by Glamour Shots.
posted by from shannon at 1:57 AM

{Monday, July 14}

why does this strange blogger thing never work? infernal contraption. anyway, in case this didn't show up on your computer screen over the weekend, the "also" at the bottom of friday's post was supposed to be followed by this exciting tidbit:

have a new photo album online (i'm stealing digital photos from trisha.) it's weak right now but you can still check it out at www.picturetrail.com/shannolm.

posted by from shannon at 8:38 AM

{Friday, July 11}

this is rushed and random but i just had to send out this tribute before the weekend:

kimi porter is the most awesome girl ever.

i received in the mail this week a dvd that kimi had made for me. it contained every might ducks finals game i missed. with american commercials (which i now covet like nazi gold.) i was so excited that i started shaking and squeeling, literally. couldn't get back to work for a while because my hands were shaking with so much excitement. god, just knowing that i have that much quack attack in my room makes me heady. so if you know kimi, please give her a high five and a hug for me. if you are kimi, know that you are cooler than emilio estevez.


have a new photo album online (i'm stealing digital photos from trisha.) it's weak right now but you can still check it out at www.picturetrail.com/shannolm.
posted by from shannon at 8:33 AM
